Ingredients for - Tinkers

1. Pork 300 gram
2. Hard cheese 100 gram
3. Vegetable oil 50 Ml
4. Salt taste
5. Black pepper taste

How to cook deliciously - Tinkers

1 . Stage

Cut the meat into small pieces, beat it a little with a hammer and season to taste.

1. Stage. Tinkers: Cut the meat into small pieces, beat it a little with a hammer and season to taste.

2 . Stage

Cheese cut into cubes, lay on meat and roll. Tie the roll with thread.

1. Stage. Tinkers: Cheese cut into cubes, lay on meat and roll. Tie the roll with thread.

3 . Stage

Sauté the tartars in vegetable oil until golden brown on all sides.

1. Stage. Tinkers: Sauté the tartars in vegetable oil until golden brown on all sides.

4 . Stage

Krucheniki ready, before serving, remove the thread.

1. Stage. Tinkers: Krucheniki ready, before serving, remove the thread.

5 . Stage

Bon Appetit!!!