Ingredients for - Stuffed cabbage

1. Minced meat 600 gram
2. Rice 1 Art.
3. Mayonnaise 1.5 Art.
4. Tomato sauce 1 Art.
5. White cabbage 1 head
6. Carrot 3 PC.
7. Bulb onions 2 PC.
8. Vegetable oil 30 gram
9. Salt taste
10. Black pepper taste

How to cook deliciously - Stuffed cabbage

1 . Stage

We clean the cabbage from bad leaves and cook in dipping in boiling water for 5 minutes. When it cools down, separate all the leaves, and cut off the seals on them.

2 . Stage

Cook rice until half cooked.

3 . Stage

Medium chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and fry everything in oil until golden onion.

4 . Stage

Add the minced meat and pepper and add the rice and half the roast to it. On the cabbage leaf from the side of the fastening, put the minced meat and twist it into a roll, then push the edges into the stuffed cabbage.

5 . Stage

Put the remaining leaves and scraps on the bottom of the pan. Then lay the cabbage rolls in layers. To fill, mix mayonnaise, tomato sauce and the remaining fried vegetables. Salt and pepper a little. We spread the sauce with so much water that would cover the cabbage rolls. Cover with a lid and put in the oven for 3 hours at 180 degrees.