Ingredients for - Karasi in sour cream

1. Karasi 500 gram
2. Butter 120 gram
3. Flour 20 gram
4. Sour cream 15% 300 gram
5. Vegetable oil for frying
6. Black pepper taste
7. Salt taste

How to cook deliciously - Karasi in sour cream

1 . Stage

Clean Karasey from pieces and entrails.

2 . Stage

Cut along the entire body and rub with salt and pepper.

3 . Stage

Roll the fish in flour and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

4 . Stage

Put the crucian carp in a pan or roasting pan, pour over melted butter and sour cream.

5 . Stage

Bake in the oven at 200 degrees 15 minutes.