Ingredients for - Fried red mullet

1. Salt taste
2. Flour 1/3 Art.
3. Mullet 1 kg
4. Black pepper taste
5. Vegetable oil for frying

How to cook deliciously - Fried red mullet

1 . Stage

Defrost the mullet, clean from the entrails and scales, if any. Rinse well and dry with a paper towel.

1. Stage. Fried red mullet: Defrost the mullet, clean from the entrails and scales, if any. Rinse well and dry with a paper towel.

2 . Stage

Mix flour with salt and pepper. Roll the fish on all sides in flour.

1. Stage. Fried red mullet: Mix flour with salt and pepper. Roll the fish on all sides in flour.

3 . Stage

Heat a rather large amount of vegetable oil in a pan well. Fry the red mullet until golden on both sides.

1. Stage. Fried red mullet: Heat a rather large amount of vegetable oil in a pan well. Fry the red mullet until golden on both sides.

4 . Stage

Put the finished fish on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Then serve.

1. Stage. Fried red mullet: Put the finished fish on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Then serve.

5 . Stage

Bon Appetit!!!

6 . Stage

Fried red mullet is very tender, juicy and delicious. To cook such a fish is quite simple and quick, for cooking use only white pepper since black pepper can kill the delicate taste of red mullet. This fish is considered the national Turkish dishes for relatives and close friends themselves, serve with lemon and herbs without a side dish. Such a fish is great for beer.