Ingredients for - Borsch with mushrooms and kvass

1. Meat 300 gram
2. Beet 250 gram
3. Bulb onions 100 gram
4. Parsley (root) 50 gram
5. Mushrooms 200 gram
6. White cabbage 250 gram
7. Potatoes 200 gram
8. Kvass 500 Ml
9. Tomato paste 200 gram
10. Bay leaf 2 PC.
11. Black pepper taste
12. Salt taste

How to cook deliciously - Borsch with mushrooms and kvass

1 . Stage

Boil the meat in salted water until tender. Strain the broth, and cut the meat into pieces.

2 . Stage

Stew chopped onion, grated beets and tomato.

3 . Stage

Put chopped potatoes, chopped cabbage and stewed onions with beets in the broth, lay the bay leaf and cook for 15 minutes.

4 . Stage

Add mushrooms, kvass, salt and pepper to taste, cook until cooked.

5 . Stage

Serve with sour cream and herbs.