Ingredients for - Barley porridge

1. Perlovka 200 gram
2. Carrot 1 PC.
3. Bulb onions 1 PC.
4. Vegetable oil 3 tbsp
5. Salt taste
6. Spice taste

How to cook deliciously - Barley porridge

1 . Stage

Rinse groats with cold water, then fill again with water and leave to swell for half an hour. Then drain and fill clean in a 1: 3 ratio. Put on medium heat.

1. Stage. Barley porridge: Rinse groats with cold water, then fill again with water and leave to swell for half an hour. Then drain and fill clean in a 1: 3 ratio. Put on medium heat.

2 . Stage

Cut the carrots and onions into small cubes.

1. Stage. Barley porridge: Cut the carrots and onions into small cubes.

3 . Stage

Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until cooked.

1. Stage. Barley porridge: Fry vegetables in vegetable oil until cooked.

4 . Stage

In porridge, add vegetables, salt and spices to taste. Cover and cook until all liquid has evaporated. The porridge should be soft, if necessary add more water.

1. Stage. Barley porridge: In porridge, add vegetables, salt and spices to taste. Cover and cook until all liquid has evaporated. The porridge should be soft, if necessary add more water.

5 . Stage

Cool the prepared porridge and serve.

1. Stage. Barley porridge: Cool the prepared porridge and serve.

6 . Stage

Bon Appetit!!!

7 . Stage

Such porridge turns lean, so it’s great in fasting. It is tasty and satisfying, it turns friable. It is better to cook in a cauldron, you can initially fry vegetables directly in a cauldron, then add the swollen groats, pour everything with water and cook until cooked all together.