Cutlery is an integral part of every feast, they will also complement the style of serving your table, and will help you enjoy the taste of every meal. The main cutlery, depending on the variety of dishes, can be of several types.

On the table, there must also be devices that take food from common dishes that are not served in portions: individual spoons, forks, scoops, tongs and other utensils. From a common dish, food is laid on its plate with a large spoon and fork: a spoon is held in the right hand, a fork in the left. With the help of a fork, they put food in a spoon, with a spoon they only support it or take gravy.

Sauces or soups are poured into your plate with special ladles, and you must be very careful not to drip on the tablecloth.

Desserts eat snacks and pastries. These are forks, knives and spoons, but smaller in size. Special devices for salads, coffee and mecca spoons, sugar tongs, tongs or cake spatulas complete the basic devices.