A few little tricks that will keep your apartment fresh and pleasant.

1. Put fragrant humidifiers on radiators. For this role, ceramic dishes with water are suitable, to which add a little essential oil, this will hide an unpleasant supply and give the room a fresh look.

2. Put essential oil into the dust bag of the vacuum cleaner. After cleaning, the scent will spread throughout the house and hide all unpleasant odors.

3. In the closet with linen, put bags of dried herbs. To increase the effect, you can drip essential oil on them. Remember that dust settles on the bags, so they often need to be washed otherwise the unpleasant smell will disperse throughout the house.

4. Airing the bed often will help eliminate unpleasant odors in the bedroom. At the same time, try to clean the mattress from dust. Sprinkle it with baking soda and vacuum after 2-3 hours. Soda removes unpleasant odors.

5. Use a shoe fragrance. Put the bags in your shoes at night - they will absorb unpleasant odors and they will not disperse throughout the house.

6. Pour baking soda into a bowl and add essential oils to strengthen the formula. Put her in the kitchen. Change soda regularly to prevent unpleasant odors in the kitchen.

7. Keep a bag of mint in the kitchen. Shake it from time to time and the pleasant smell will spread throughout the house.

8. In the orange stick a spicy clove - the oriental aroma will reign in the house for several days, removing all unpleasant odors.

9. Use scented water for the iron. In two glasses of water add a little essential oil. Mix well and pour into the steam generator, this will prevent unpleasant odors in the iron.

10. Use an air purifier to eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke. Choose a model with a photocatalytic or carbon filter.