Tea drinking is a beautiful European custom. Typically, a tea table is set up about an hour after dinner, much less often - immediately after it. A tea table is served in the living room. Tea is served in thin cups, adding sugar, milk (cream) or lemon slices to taste. Small cups of tea are distributed with cups. For tea, you can serve small shortbread cookies or rolls. Guests may well help the hostess serve tea.

The evening tea ceremony, adopted in Western countries, does not allow a guest to sit next to her without an invitation from the hostess, since such a place is considered an honor. Especially strictly adhere to this tradition in Latin America. If the guests do not sit at the table, but sit down all over the room, they go to the hostess for tea - she does not get up from her place to serve the guests.

Evening tea "in the Russian style" - served in tall glasses with lemon slices and lump sugar. For those who wish, rum or brandy can be added to tea. But whatever the serving, the most important thing is that the tea itself is well prepared.

Afternoon coffee. At the end of the dessert, coffee is usually served on the table. The hostess pours coffee, at the request of the guests adds cream and sugar and transfers coffee cups to the guests. Afternoon coffee can also be served on a separate table. The hostess should remember that many do not like black coffee, so pay attention to your guests and be sure to offer milk or cream to coffee. If the guest wants more coffee, he passes his cup along with the saucer to the hostess.