Every self-respecting girl should know the elementary rules of etiquette that will allow her to become a real lady and leave a sea of ​​positive impressions after talking with herself. Knowing how to behave, you can win over those people whom you consider important in your life.

1. Greetings Rule number 1 You can say hello in different ways: with a kiss, a handshake, or just kind words. The main thing is that the greeting should be “heard” only by the person to whom it is directly addressed, and not by everyone around. Therefore, avoid deliberately loud greetings, long hugs and hot kisses.

Rule number 2 With a verbal greeting, the boys greet the girls first, the girls, first of all, greet older people. If on the street, walking with a boyfriend, you met a girlfriend who walks her, then at first you greet a girlfriend, then your young men are with each other, and only after that you should say “hello” to the boys.

Rule number 3 A long pause at a meeting looks very awkward. Do not be afraid to say hello first and follow the aphorism in such situations: the one who is better brought up is the first to say hello.

2. Street etiquette stroll In ancient times, when men wore a sword on the left, a tradition developed: the young lady goes to the right of the knight. Then another rule appeared - a man should go where it is more dangerous (for example, from the roadway). Modern etiquette says: a girl goes right on official occasions, and in ordinary life, as it is more convenient.

Snack on the street Eating ice cream on the street is not a sin, only for this you need to step aside, it is even better to sit on a park bench. But getting into public transport with food, bitten hot dogs and open bottles is extremely indecent.

Rainy weather If the umbrella is opened, make sure that it does not hurt other people. According to etiquette in rainy weather, a young man holds an umbrella over the girl’s head if they are the same height or he is slightly taller than her. If the difference in growth is large, each carries its own umbrella. Or a young man goes without an umbrella. If after the rain you enter the room, put a cover on the umbrella, try to keep the umbrella closer to you, so as not to wet anyone.

3. Clothing The main requirement for clothes is their cleanliness. It’s not bad, of course, to make sure that the clothes match the place, time, nature of the event. In case of doubt, it is always better to choose a slightly more conservative option. You can only put yourself in order at home or in the "girls' room". It is not beautiful to comb your hair, brush your nails, adjust clothes in public places, at a table, on the street. Just tint your lips.

4. We go to visit You're away Despite the fact that it is considered that the “right” guests are always a bit late, this is strictly forbidden by etiquette. Having greeted the guests, you should not arrange a thorough study of the cleanliness of the house. Girls with manners should not look closely. Do not look at your watch often while away. If you need to leave before the other guests start to disperse, do it unnoticed by the others, having apologized to the owners first.

The reception of guests Think carefully in advance. The main rule is that guests are invited to the table no later than half an hour after the start of the party, even if they are still not gathered. Keep in mind that even in spite of severe attacks of hunger, it is impolite for a housewife to attack food and eat everything first. Guests should eat first.

5. Entertainment Movie It’s stupid to be late, because if this happened, the well-educated young lady will have to sit on the first available seats, even if the most expensive tickets are in your pocket. Recall that before entering the hall you need to turn off the mobile phone. It is also forbidden to laugh out loud, throw popcorn, rustle with chocolate candy wrappers and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the protagonist throughout the room.

Theater If you go to the theater with a friend, you can coordinate the form of clothing (you in an elegant dress and a young man in jeans and a sweatshirt do not look very good). You can enter the box when the light is already off. In the stalls, amphitheater, mezzanine, you need to take their places no later than the third call. If you are still late, then the young man goes first, and you follow with your back to the stage and facing the sitting, trying not to force them to rise.

A restaurant A young man should always be the first to enter a restaurant, cafe and other similar establishments. Having sat at the table, he should give you a menu and offer to choose first. Then he looks at the menu himself and orders a waiter for both of you. Start eating when everyone gets the order. Only if those waiting in the wings themselves will offer you to start a meal, can you start to chew earlier than others. Blowing on food, smelling it, smacking it, and laying out your elbows on the table is not welcome. The biggest mistake, worse than picking with a fork in your teeth, is from a knife. A tablespoon is not sent to the mouth in its entirety. To eat the rest of the soup painlessly, you need to tilt the edge of the plate not from you, but from yourself. If you find yourself in an awkward situation, accidentally spilling or dropping something, do not rush to correct your mistake immediately. Wipe the tablecloth only with a napkin, and do not swipe the crumbs on the floor, but collect them in a napkin. If pieces of food or drops accidentally fall onto clothing, remove them unnoticed.

In the restaurant, many are confused by the abundance of appliances. Always start with the appliances that are closest to the plate, and for each subsequent dish use the appliance that is closest. When the instruments lie horizontally above the plate, they are intended for dessert. With glasses it’s easier - the waiter will pour himself where he needs to. Take them from right to left, as they stand only on one side of the table. You don’t need to warm your hands on the glasses, grab a cup of coffee and tea with both hands, and it is customary to hold glasses with champagne and wine by the leg.

Having finished eating, they put the knife and fork in parallel. During the break, the knife and fork are laid crosswise. In a cafe, a used tea bag is usually put on a saucer. And while stirring the sugar with a spoon, do not touch the edges of the cup so that there is no sound. The invoice is usually paid by the person who invited. The waiter will bring the bill to the one who made the order. If you pay, celebrating, for example, a holiday with friends, there is no need to demonstrate how much was spent on them. As a guest, avoid two extremes: ordering the most expensive dishes and displaying excessive modesty.

6. In the car When you get into a car, you don’t need to “enter” it with one foot, and then with the other. It will be much more convenient, slightly crouching on the seat, "pull" the legs. When leaving the car, both legs must be placed on the asphalt at the same time.

7. Ugly gestures Try less to wave your arms while walking, fussily adjust something in your clothes or hairstyle, often pull up your sleeves to look at your watch, constantly get something out of your bags and pockets and stuff it back.

8. You are in the stadium So he succeeded. I mean, drag you to a football match. Of course, it is your direct responsibility to cheer on your favorite team or player, but it’s not worth it at all to vote, shout insults at the playing teams and any of the fans (from the bickering up to a fight). If possible, do not jump from a place in the acute moments of the game, so as not to disturb those who are sitting behind. Each game, competition is a kind of art, and true connoisseurs are going to watch them. But you are one of them?

9. Shopping trip The seller is the face of the store. Say hello when entering a small shop (you don’t need to do this at the supermarket). If you plan to become a regular customer of a small store, such as a bakery in your home, it is appropriate to meet you. Be friendly, but not intrusive. It would be nice to outline in advance what and how much you need (with a large list it is best to make a list) so as not to take time from other buyers and the seller. You can contact the seller only at "you", regardless of her or his age.The appeal of a “girl” to an elderly female seller is absurd and tactless (they can be regarded as a mockery, didn’t you mean that?). You don’t have to shop just because you’ve come to the store, you don’t have to feel uncomfortable if none of the things you tried came up. But still, you should not spend hours trying on fitting, chasing the seller there and back and forcing to bring one or the other, no matter how cool it may be. Refusing to buy, say “thank you” to the seller for your attention.