Little tricks that will make your cutlets simply divine, all family members will appreciate your culinary masterpieces.

1. It is best to mix different minced meat: pork, beef, lamb.

2. I do not recommend adding milk to minced meat. Minced meat should be diluted with warm boiled water - until the consistency of thick sour cream.

3. Put only egg yolks in the minced meat.

4. The more onion you put in the minced meat, the tastier the cutlets will be.

5. It is not necessary to add bread to the minced meat. Try adding any vegetables: cabbage, potatoes, carrots.

6. Fry the cutlets in well-heated oil in a hot frying pan. If you like, you can use ground crackers or flour as a breading. You can form cutlets with wet hands and immediately put in hot oil. And if you dip them in whipped protein, they will turn out to be especially tasty and juicy.