Planning a menu is a very important and useful habit that will give you strength and free up your time. Knowing that you will cook for lunch and dinner not only today, but also tomorrow, and on the rest of the days, you can safely make a list of the necessary products and buy them, which will save money and time. all the products available in the refrigerator and freezer, and based on this list, make a menu and a list of missing products.

When distributing products for breakfasts, lunches and dinners, be sure to take into account which products and how much they need this or that member of your family - depending on age and profession. A person who leaves home in the morning without having breakfast quickly gets tired at work and begins to experience a general breakdown long before the lunch break. An overly plentiful lunch at lunchtime at work causes drowsiness and lowers productivity.

Therefore, it is very important to think about how to plan meals, how to distribute products throughout the day, what to cook for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Breakfast must first be hearty; it can consist of boiled or fried meat or fish, eggs, cheese, bread, tea, coffee or milk. It is useful to eat porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet) with milk or butter in the morning, as well as fruits.

Lunch can consist of three courses: the first - meat, vegetable or fish soup; the second - meat, fish or vegetable dishes stewed or fried; and the third (sweet) - compote, jelly, cake or fruit. To increase your appetite, at the beginning of lunch, it is recommended to serve an appetizer salad, vinaigrette, herring, etc. - from vegetables, cereals or fish; and vice versa, if you have a lighter first course (broth with vegetables or puree soup), then prepare something more satisfying for the second - a dish of meat or fish with a side dish.

Dinner should always be light, and food should be taken no later than two to three hours before bedtime. Suitable for dinner are salads, yogurt, scrambled eggs, sandwiches, vegetable casseroles, milk, tea, vegetable and fruit juices.

Be sure to include plant foods in your family diet - vegetables, fresh herbs, fruits, berries. The menu should be varied. However, little attention is usually paid to the variety of foods. Not every housewife prepares for the whole day a plan for preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, that is, what is usually called a menu, and in accordance with this purchases the necessary products. In the everyday life of a housewife, in most cases there are 10-12 dishes, which, alternately, are repeated from year to year.

As a result, the family often receives uniform food. Consider also the influence of the season. In autumn and winter, take more space for hot soups - meat and fish; in spring and summer, many people prefer cold soups - cold borscht, okroshka, botvinya, soups made from fresh berries or fruits. The range of fish products is much more varied during the spring and autumn fishing. In spring and summer, a large selection of various dairy products, eggs, poultry, vegetables and herbs are at your service.