It may seem that making a delicious broth is not difficult. But in the preparation of this simple dish, there are subtleties and peculiarities.

1. For the preparation of inert broth it is better to take beef bones, they give the best fat. Before cooking, the bones are washed well with running water, chopped into small pieces and the bone marrow is removed. Bring to a boil with cold water. When the broth boils, you need to collect the foam in a timely manner and, reducing the heat, boil for several minutes. Then the first broth is drained and the bones are again, flooded with water, brought to a boil over high heat in order to make the broth as useful as possible and to remove from the bones the remnants of nitrates and drugs that may be present in meat and bones.

2. After boiling, if necessary, you need to again remove the foam and excess fat, reduce heat and cook for up to 8 hours. Salt the broth should be half an hour before the end of cooking.

3. To prepare brown broth, which is an ingredient for all kinds of sauces, the bones are pre-fried or baked in the oven.

4. The meat broth is prepared as follows. The meat is thoroughly washed and soaked for several hours in cold water. Water is periodically changed, this procedure will help rid the meat of excess blood and medications, i.e. will make meat as useful as possible. Then the meat is poured with cold water and brought to a boil. As in the case of bone broth, they remove the "noise" and, after boiling for a short time, drain the water. Pour in fresh water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat. Salt the meat broth 20 minutes before cooking, no matter how hard the meat becomes.

5. To obtain a fragrant and beautiful broth, at the end of cooking add peppercorns and bay leaves, a peeled whole onion and large pieces of carrots. When the broth is removed from heat, then the meat, onions and carrots should be removed immediately. In order for the broth to remain transparent.

6. Store the prepared meat broth in the refrigerator for no more than two days. You can serve with Greeks or pies. The broth also serves as the basis for preparing various first courses, stews, sauces and side dishes.