Absinthe is called the "Green Fairy" well, this is not only for its fantastic color, but also for its special effect on humans. This is a strong alcoholic beverage, it is made from the extract of bitter wormwood, it contains from 55 ° to 85 ° alcohol. The most common species that have a strength of 70 degrees. It is the strongest alcoholic beverage in the world. Absinthe is translated from the Greek language as "unbearable", since not many people drink it in an undiluted form.

Absinthe can be used in several ways: 1. Method. Classic (French) Absinthe. On top of a glass with absinthe place a special spoon with holes, then put a piece of sugar on it. Before consumption, ice water is poured onto sugar until the drink in the glass becomes cloudy.

2. Method. Undiluted (in its pure form) Absinthe. It is a classic aperitif that can be drunk in pure form from narrow glasses. But this method is not suitable for everyone. It is used only by experienced absentee. Before use, they cool absinthe to almost zero temperature, and then drink it in one gulp. The recommended single dose should not exceed 30 grams.

3. The way. Czech Absinthe (fire method). First, a 1/4 cup glass is filled with absinthe. Next, a piece of sugar is moistened in a pile and placed on a special spoon (as in the first method). After that, the sugar is set on fire, allowing it to burn for about one minute.

4. Method. Absent with syrup (Russian method). First, sugar syrup is prepared (sugar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2), then the resulting syrup is poured into a glass. So many Russians are used to drinking absinthe. Simple and fast.

5. Method. The Two Glasses Method. A small glass is filled with absinthe and put it in a large glass. After that, water is slowly poured into the glass. Liquids gradually mix, overflowing into a large glass. A drink is considered ready when only water is left in the glass.

6. Method. With other drinks. To reduce the strength and bitterness of absinthe, it can be diluted with cola, orange, pineapple, lemon juice, tonic, lemonade, sprite or other drinks. Proportions depend on individual preferences.

With what it is customary to drink absinthe They serve a drink before meals and, accordingly, they do not bite it. However, if you serve diluted absinthe or a cocktail based on it as the main drink, then as a snack you can serve bitter chocolate, slices of orange, mandarin or lemon. Seafood goes well with absinthe.

In which glasses to serve absinthe. Diluted absinthe is served in glasses. Diluted absinthe is served in ordinary glasses, pouring 50-100 grams. If you want to burn absinthe, then you need to choose glasses with thick walls, since thin glass can burst. Glasses in which they want to burn absinthe must have a cone-shaped shape, expanding to the top. In addition, glasses should not be very cold. As for the absinthe spoon, as a rule, it comes with a bottle of expensive absinthe. In addition, it can be bought at cutlery stores.