1. Before sending a soft toy to the drum of the washing machine, make sure that there are no parts that are destroyed by the action of water.

2. When washing soft toys, pay attention to the detergent. The chemical preparation should not cause allergic reactions in the child.

3. When washing such toys, it is better to use the "Delicate spin" mode.

4. Toys should be dried in the summer on the balcony, in winter - on the battery. After complete drying, soft toys need to be interrupted and combed.

5. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean large stuffed toys that do not fit in the machine. A vacuum cleaner should be treated with fluffy "pets" at least once every 2 weeks.

6. You can remove dust from the toy with a handful of starch or soda. The substance should be poured into a bag, put a toy there and shake. After that, you need to vacuum the thing - no dust will remain on the plush fun.

7. To eliminate the development of dust mites and microbes, in summer, soft toys should be placed in the freezer, previously placed in a bag (small toys), and in winter they should be placed on the balcony for 24 hours.

8. Among other things, it does not fit to periodically give soft toys to dry cleaning.